Saturday, November 15, 2008


Ancient traditions .. rituals .. ceremonies .. festivals .. religious practices .. customs .. that have survived through the ages ...

The Hopi and The First Phase of Creation.

In November the Hopi Indians of Northern Arizona celebrate the first phase of the process of creation.

Wu-wu-chim marks the beginning of the Hopi ceremonial year.

Wuwuchim means to generate .. to manifest... The ceremony begins before dawn .. before the lip of the sun touches the horizon .. and returns from the underworld .. to be reborn giving us a new day.

It begins with the New Fire Ceremony ... The red coals from the ceremonial fire are used to light the fires in the Kivas .. the ceremonial underground chambers.

During the ceremony the Hopi use corn meal and ritual smoking as offerings .. to give thanks to Taiowa, the creator ... and the Catsina, the spirits and deities who are under the creator's domain.

As the Hopis give thanks they barter with the gods asking them for bountiful crops .. good weather .. or to help them with their problems.

To make sure that the creator and the deities receive their offerings and their requests .. the Hopis use Pahos...
Pahos is a sacramental object... It consists of a feather from eagle or wild turkey and is attached to a string of native cotton.

It symbolizes the thread that connects the people to the Great Spirit.

The ceremony begins in fire and ends in water.. as the women of the village baptize the men involved in the ceremony by pouring cold water over them.

Wuwuchim is usually celebrated sometime in mid-November.

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