A Time for Balance ... Impermanence ... the Scorpian
The news during the past three months has been anything but good ... The boom economy has collapsed .. and no one is laughing ... Currencies are falling all over the planet ... and people are beginning to worry about their jobs ...
In London, England someone put up a roadside memorial commemorating the death of the 'boom economy'. It included a cross with a British Pound on it ... and even flowers and cards.
The mocking display brought smiles to the passersby .. and those with cameras or cell phones took pictures of the display .. something to show their children or grandchildren in the coming years ...
If anything .. the banking crisis has shown us just how fragile the world is .. just how quickly things can change .. or come to a sudden and abrupt end ...
Now no one is sure what's going to happen next ... maybe plagues .. maybe famine .. or maybe Moses walking down Wall St. and throwing the Ten Commandments at that bronze bull ...
Who knows what forces are at play here ..
Many people are blaming corporate greed for the debacle .. But greed is part of human nature ... and if we don't want it to happen again .. we will have to change... And the only way we can do that .. is to change the kind of thoughts we put in our heads .. especially those thoughts ... that are more concerned about ourselves than others.
According to the Eastern way of thinking ...life is impermanent and the things of life are impermanent ... Nothing ever stays the same ...
The earth and the sun are ever moving objects .. never stagnant .. that race through space at speeds that boggle the human mind...
The earth has gone through many incarnations ... at one time it was a smoldering and steaming ball of spewing volcanoes which cooled and eventually became the home of dinosaurs ... and then one day a huge asteroid hit the earth .. where the Yucatan Peninsula is .. and the dinosaurs died out and vanished ...
.. and now .. we only have their bones as a reminder ... of just how quickly things can change .. or come to a sudden and abrupt end..
The good news is .. that the end .. although it can be brutal .. offers an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start all over again ... New beginnings are always filled with hope .. the hope to build something different .. something better .. or just something that won't came crashing down on our heads.
The Scorpion
It's almost fitting the collapse of the banks occurred during the time when the Sun was in Libra ... and about a week or so before it entered Scorpio. Libra is associated with balance and the scales of justice and Scorpio is associated with the sting of death ...
In mythology Orion goes on a hunting trip to Crete with the goddess Artemis and her mother Leto ... During the course of the hunt Orion boasts to Artemis that he could kill any beast or creature on Earth ... Earth takes exception to the challenge .. and sends a giant scorpion to kill Orion. The creature succeeds .. the goddess .. feeling somewhat responsible for the boast and Orion's death .. asks Zeus to place him among the constellations which he does .. along with the Scorpion ... probably as a safety measure ... just in case Orion starts feeling invincible again .. and decides to slay all the stars or something.